Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!
Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home
26.10.08 In the social area of fundamental rights be trampled. The respect for the Constitution and human rights is. No-show may be a piece of! We don't need fundamental rights, protected in a bulletproof glass display Cabinet – well before access will be issued. We need to have rights to Attack. [... more]
26.10.08 In the social area of fundamental rights be trampled. The respect for the Constitution and human rights is. The introduction of a much-needed process of change is all of our responsibility! No-show may be the piece we need to have rights to Attack. [... more]
24.10.08 Germany: freedom of information is with the competition arguments in the “long term memory” of the Internet (desired Is circumcised?) The short shelf life of current reporting and critical magazines a thorn in the eye? To whom the Amendment of the German state broadcasting Treaty benefits? [... more]
“Allegations against the nursing home” article dated 21.10.2008 in the ‘Salzburger Nachrichten’ display: disabled people should have suffered in a home, due to deficiencies in the staff damage with the Knowledge of the authorities. [... more]
Never-ending story about a more than three-year-old Behördenk(r)battle from the point of view of Affected: Carers (now Close) against a dehumanized, ignorant, and incompetent social bureaucracy of Austria. [... more]
19.10.08 “Kreuz & Quer” TV-documentary: the case of damage, a child? Discussion: Prenatal diagnosis – without reference to the life, and without reference to the supporting film of the relativization of the value of Life and the randomness of the right to Life has spoken the word. A solidarity-based solution is the only reasonable and acceptable way out of the legal and ethical Dilemma. [... more]
07.10.08 In the current ‘mirror’ published an article about Rett syndrome. Seemingly healthy girl may suddenly stop talking, no more running, no longer grab: The Rett syndrome, an insidious genetic disorder that brings many parents to the brink of despair. Often, the largely unknown disease is diagnosed late or not at all. Reader's opinion: (quote) "a daily struggle for a decent life" is not caused by our children in existing gene mutation, but by the arrogance and ignorance of the authorities and costs for carriers, who see people with severe disability usually only a care case, and a cost factor without (human)rights. [... more]
05.10.08 The rule of law collides against heavily fortified bastions of the former ‘Preceding‘ – when will the draining of the wetlands of the Austrian low areas of payments? The small Confederation of former principalities is not a Legal state, but a “low level” of wetlands the “grace way”. The Ombudsman's office needs more powers against ignorant social bureaucracy of the country. There is a legal difference in treatment of disabled people, Austrians, depending on the state, since 60 years people have been legally questionable and, at the latest, since 2008, no longer be covered. Due to the inconsistency of the Constitution, which speaks of the rule of law principle (of this) is, there is no rule of law Austria, until ... [... more]
25.09.08 Why the Land of lower Austria for singling out disabled people as for Integration of these people into society? Why are people treated depending on their type of disability, with respect to backups different? Why repeatedly urged disabled people in the absence of outpatient supports, to spend in special institutions your life. Terms such as “individual needs” and “immediate residential environment,” inflationary and unfair to give a totally false impression? Want to be of lower Austria to the social model region of Europe, by prohibitions of Discrimination in accordance with the Federal Constitution, article 7, of the EC Treaty article 13, UN Convention on the rights of disabled people article 19 pays attention u. v. a. fundamental rights and freedoms, miss? Why are the Details of the Directive, “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people” kept secret? What has Niederösterreich – to hide the Trendsetter in nursing and care – in the interest of all? [... more]
24.09.08 Reflections on the funding of Care be handled for short amounts-sighted, only in money. A total balance sheet will not be considered and the “Human-Profit” is taken out. The prevailing thought patterns of today's policy, not on ethical values, but on misanthropic ideas and theories of “eugenics” of the late 19th century. Century back, which determine the modern Economism. The value of a human being and his life is measured by its efficiency. Supports are not dependent on the need, but according to the Use. We need new ways of thinking, emanating from the highest need for assistance, and to solve this on-demand search. The solution concepts for a “minor cases” are available to order. [... more]
A half-inclusion is fucked up! Inclusion is indivisible, there can be no Rest.
Person-Centred Support, Inclusion, Participation, Dignity,.