Little interest that the care is in the home affordable and feasible, a mass Exodus from the homes is to be feared!
Posting in Forum of BICEPS-INFO to the article:
Care allowance: Lapp appealed to the ÖVP, the SPÖ-request to approve ... Forum post (16.07.08) 16. July 2008, 11:38 PM
Some countries are even the largest home operator, heavily with private operators in League and strong whose interests are committed to. There is hurt and sometimes the official duty of supervision and livelihoods across increased. Of course, little interest in the care home and affordable and realizable.
Almost no one goes voluntarily into the “home”, but just because you are "compelled" in the absence of more accesible and affordable Alternatives. The tangled interests of both major parties in the Federation and the länder for the 24-hour care and PG increase, it is seen A mass Exodus from the homes to be avoided at all costs. In addition, the lip-service does not hide the fact.
It is the clear will of the people, even in long-term care or high support needs in self-chosen home, to live with dignity and self-determined (and may die). A policy that sets up such a unique (voters)will, to punish. Short-sighted prestige fell in love with politicians like still inside, at the ground breaking ceremony and opening ceremonies of new “homes” than to be a benefactor celebrated. When you will understand, at last, to have on the wrong horse.
We don't need new “homes”, not legalization cosmetic and not a marginal percent of haggling when you care of money, but a complete reorganization of the system. A solidarity-supported care backup with legal claims on individual needs and need based supports where people want to live.
The “not species-appropriate mass attitudes” in the area of long-term care belong to the garbage of history errors. (“Home instead of home“)
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