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19.12.08 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

[D+60] laws correct

Many existing laws are globally correct, because they violate human rights
The ratification of the UN disability rights Convention are obliged to ensure a swift implementation

A Federal nine-bananas, also known as the “banana Republic”

19. December, happened in Germany, the ratification process of the CRPD, the United Nations, the last hurdle, the German Federal Council. The entry into force of the human rights Convention at the beginning of 2009 1 nothing stands now in Germany, too, in the way. Now the treasure must be lifted the claims of the Convention are now to be implemented piece by piece .

In Austria, the UN Convention entered into force already on 26. October 2008. The international Convention by the state of a binding legal norm has, therefore, come to the inner. In Austria, as in Germany, the transposition into national law is due to the federalist fragmentation of sovereignty, powers and competences in the assistance to the disabled and the social sector have faced great challenges. The implementation of the UN Convention is a Human rights Test for the rule of law.

Austria and Germany are Contracting States to the Vienna Convention on the law of treaties 1969 international obligation, legal contracts to meet the "good Faith" (article 26, "Pacta sunt servanda")where a party may not invoke their domestic law to justify a failure to fulfil a Treaty (article 27).

Fundamental rights and freedoms of the last 60 years, a valid “General human rights” – as they were now confirmed by the new UN disability rights Convention, of course, also for the disabled people – are immediately implemented. The government(s) are still acting as if they are likely to put there a long time (see Appeals to the Federal government and the The country's main people) and legal claims continue to arbitrary acts of Mercy replace. The Constitution guardians are challengedto ensure rapidly for clarity, you contain howeverthis Wetlands to put dry.

For people with learning difficulties, there is now the Text of the UN Convention in plain language. Perhaps this easy-to-understand formulations can contribute to Overcome learning blockades, learning unwilling responsibility objectors in politics and administration?

Posting in Forum of BICEPS-INFO to the article: “Short and sweet: the UN Convention in plain language 19. December 2008 At 19:53
Quote from the UN Convention in plain language:

The need to make the countries now: laws change or new laws.

To all of you that makes you the laws, how easy do you want it?
Short and sweet: this is A great thing!

Source: BICEPS-INFO (Text: Martin Ladstätter · created on: 19. December 2008)
Short and sweet: the UN Convention in plain language
In Germany recently a summary of the contents of the UN was presented to-the Convention on the rights of people with disabilities.

The disabled people's representative of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Silvia Schmidt from Germany has a summary of the UN Convention in plain language to create.

She hopes that the brochure is “to contribute to the content for people with learning difficulties clearly understandable”. In the creation of the Association “people-First” people with learning contributed to difficulties significantly. Silvia Schmidt posted this on 9. December 2008 in Berlin the members of your group. ...

Addendum 28.5.2013:
Download a newer Version of the UN CRPD in plain language with explanations below working with disabled

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  1. Addendum on 24.3.2009: The UN disability rights Convention is now definitely on the 26. March 2009 also in Germany (on the date of entry into force, there were at year-end 2008 a little unclear).

Translated by Yandex.Translate and Global Translator

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Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content. Original: English
