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10.09.08 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

Right to life strengths, a ban on active euthanasia consolidate

Broken protective dams for a comprehensive life protection and services!


  • Euthanasia of severely disabled Unborn and the newborn is already cruel reality. In Austria, there are, up to the birth – in the Netherlands already after birth – legal killings of children because of their disability!
  • The TV-documentary “preemie, between life and death” played down active euthanasia through deliberate blurring of the boundary zone between the fight and Absprechens of the right to Life because of a supposedly lack of “life is worth Survival”.
  • Not only a ban, many measures are necessary, further Dam breaches against the protection of the inviolable Dignity of the life to prevent.
  • The right of disposal over the life is not for Anyone – even yourself – except for the life-giver!

NR-Abg Dr. Franz-Joseph Huainigg, ÖVP speaker for people with disabilities, presented in the three weeks leading up to the no-choice on 28.09.2008, at its Homepage 21 positions, demands and requests to the disability policy.

Here in Katja's and my discussion in Blog posts FJH21 Forum:

Link to all my posts:

Post DsH_ad_FJH21_18 (2008.09.10-03:35):

Position 4: the ban on active euthanasia in the Constitution, the Expansion of the hospice ... (FJH - original text see below)

First, an addition: euthanasia on newborns is not only discussed, but in the Netherlands, since 2005, legally executed. The killing of severely disabled children is also not legalized in us only up to the birth (Eugenic indication), but is occasionally practised also by non-supply AFTER the birth of (illegal). "Stillbirth" is then recorded in writing to avoid prosecution.

A few months ago ran a documentary in the ORF, followed by a discussion, where we were witness to a killing of a premature baby (in the NL). It was shown in this Film, the actions of the Doctors (according to the subtle Manipulation of the parents who had to make the decision) is very positive and conclusive. The subsequent discussion was very unreflective. Only Prim. Dr. A. Lischka (Vienna, medical specialist for child and adolescent medicine) represented as one of the debaters are very good arguments against it, which will let me Austria is still hope. To my knowledge, there were no reactions or protests to this radiance.

I mean, we should take many measures, which are capable of more dam breaks against the protection of the inviolable Dignity of the life to prevent. Ban on active euthanasia in the Constitution and strengthening of palliative medicine and the hospice movement would have to be sand bags against the flood. There is a need for many more sand bags but mainly many people, who carry this to the vulnerabilities of the "dams". This will be the main problem, as it seems to me that fewer and fewer people are willing to make their own finite nature of thoughts and to show solidarity with those who take to the road.

To the questions:

*** It is prevented by the prohibition of active assistance in dying, self-determined to Die? ***

There is no right to a self-determined Dying, just as we are certain that we exist. Only the giver of life has the right of disposal. Who has the right to take out in the end, the will be able to prevent any laws. Any suicide - aid, also in Switzerland is legal, to refuse.

*** What to rate higher: a right to Die or a right to a dignified life until the end? ***

The right to a premature death does not exist. However, it should be the right to Die in Dignity is guaranteed. That is, the process of dying is also to allow! I am also, if necessary for the pain include, in the final phase of the risk to accelerate this process.

*** Do you think that you can put yourself now in a crisis Situation in which you might be in? ***

Yeah, I wouldn't put it past me at the moment. I would. as long as I'm capable of it, very aware of the responsibility on doctor and therapy choice and also not agree to what would be possible. In the present state of medicine, and the medicine right, I'll pass personally, but be aware to a patient, to confess this but to each, of life-sustaining measures are limited to.

In a serious crisis, in a state of emergency on the border of life, perhaps under the influence of endorphins or painkillers I don't trust myself to make an informed decision. Then I put my life in the hands of responsible Physicians. In the Hand of the one who gave me life, it is lifted so well.

Gerhard Lichtenauer, Austrian Citizens ' Initiative “Home instead of home” and Katja's Blog (

Answer Mr Huainigg (2008.09.10-10:23)
Dear Mr Lichtenauer! To your today's entry on euthanasia: I can only agree with you and me for your words, thank you. If you really know always in advance, how you think in certain situations, or feels, I think. But they have a lot of with a disability apart and, therefore, I believe you, that you can make sensitive value judgments. The ORF report and the discussion I missed! When was that and in what show? Criss-cross? FJH

Addendum to DsH_ad_FJH21-18 (2008.09.11-13:43)
Dear Mr. Huainigg, the above-mentioned shipment was “criss-cross” from 26.02.08 with Günter Kaindl, storfer as a Moderator of the discussion. Title: “Preemies between life and death / The limits of progress – such As human to human medicine?”.
The documentation by Rob Hof, “Preemies between life and death” was created, according to my observation, very insidious. The disconnection of life support equipment for the little Nigel has been meticulously documented. But it was not a decision a feasibility delusion questionable sorry for the extension, but it was clearly the “prevention” of “life unworthy” life. The seeds of Peter singer and his promoter. Like I said below [Anm.: above] wrote, were manipulated completely overwhelmed, young parents from the team of Doctors unconscionable (maybe even for the movie? Another output would be undesirable?). The Hippocratic oath, it contradicts in anyway, but in modern bioethics, nothing more. In Austria, the speaking clearly to the medical law, both the failure to help, and probably also use the subversive incitement, the medical Profession would clearly fall under criminal law. Prof. Lischka pointed out in the discussion that a storyline in lying to us in accordance with the action guidelines of the neonato unthinkable. I was glad to see his comments. Our Katja, now 20 years old, owes such principles, your fully life worth living!
In a Forum I discovered Reflections on this Film

Original text to FJH21_18 source: ( OTS_20080910_OTS0081 (10.09.2008)


According to official information, Dutch Doctors have done in 2006 at 2,300 cases of active euthanasia. An increase there is – according to the Dutch Ministry of health – in cases of palliative sedation. In the process, Doctors put the Dying with drugs in a deep sleep and no food and no liquid. In 2001, there were about 8,500 of such cases in the year 2005, the number stood at 9,600. In the Netherlands euthanasia in the case of social Suffering is discussed (so far, only physical & mental Suffering). Euthanasia for minors 12 years of age. To be discussed is euthanasia currently in the newborn.

Austria has chosen a different path, the ÖVP also in the future want to ride – for the Expansion of palliative care and the support of the hospice movement for the autonomy of the Individual patient and for a Life in Dignity. “Not by the Hand but by the Hand of another human being die,” is a motto of the cardinal, the king, with which I agree without reservation. I appeal, therefore, the anchoring of human dignity and a prohibition of active euthanasia in the Constitution.


Is prevented by the prohibition of active assistance in dying, self-determined to Die?

What is higher rate: a right to Die or a right to a dignified life until the end?

Do you think that you can put yourself now in a crisis Situation in which you might be in?

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