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Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

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17.07.09 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

[D+270] care crisis 2.0 - the regulated Chaos (3)

The organized care Chaos: institutions for the disabled as “illegal nursing home operation”!
Why are make-shifts of institutional forms of Care is promoted more as a real family a sense of security?

A Federal nine-bananas, also known as the “banana Republic”

Coercion and compulsion in the (From)Special(ungs)Institutions
By the existential Starvation of families with severely disabled relatives, as well as the eugenic-economistic refusal to ceiling and need just supports, needs the imposed “need” to institutionally exists at all-stationary forms of housing to those in Austria, unfortunately, the so-called “residential communities” for disabled people. To speak of a “family resemblance” is a pure misnomer, no matter how often this on the respective websites of the operators is emphasized.

Even if the number of residents will be placed in the vicinity of a large family, the segregating before the mouth end and entrecht character of the so-called “homes” in WG’s. No matter how much “Latex” (Anm.: see below), the “sterility” do not “is because it is family security is feasible”.

Orientation to the Optimum, the family is man's duty – the freedom of choice of the form of Care is a human right!
Small residential communities with a maximum of four (to five) residents are certainly much better than living groups with ten or more “clients”. Undeniably, the origin, or choice - family (adoptive or foster family) with appropriate supports and financial facilities to the Optimum for all people with support needs, where a self-determined life in self-responsibility is not possible. I believe the concept of “host families” for care of dependent older people or people with psycho-social assistance needs, as a concept of the future in which we do anyway, without the discontinued model of the “homes” want and need, if we have the right people with the aid and assistance necessary for societal participation and inclusion – human rights and unconstitutional, as in the past, you want to ignore.

Save the price of respect and people would be more open to Viewing and Mitbetroffener
In The Article [Anm.: below], it says: “While in big homes, adequate nursing staff around the clock can be available, is the small residential communities of up to 8 residents, organisationally and financially is not possible.” Why should that not be possible? It is not due to the “possibility” but on the political will of the “austerity at any price” on the back of the patient. The same economistic interests are behind it, that families with disabled members, which could be realized with sufficient supports to the ideal conditions of Care, squashes will be ruined until the Last out, discriminated against, and existentially, although family caregivers represent the largest, most qualified, and also legal care service in Austria. These people contempt seems to me to be in the Federal state of lower Austria, to be the family, the country declared “” on the alleged way to the “social model region in Europe” the most blatant.

Staff state of emergency is not only a “grey zone” but a politically-motivated crime.
Although, since the agreement between the Federal government and the länder pursuant to article 15a B-VG on social care occupations (entry into force four years ago, is different according to countries) a four-year transition period was granted, was deported to a solution of the personnel and competence emergency and probably not even the training module “support for the base supply” in the framework met. Now, since this period of time expires, the fire on the roof!

A Problem with “illegal nursing home” communities, and the “highly respected” carrier services for the disabled, with their “multi-professional” team in the so-called “inclusive living” now in fact, if there are people with intensive care needs were attended to and are. Questionable amtsmiss is how long this illegal state by the competent country regulatory authorities (important!) can be met and whether this casts further breaches of duty, such as coordinated home-Out and regulatory mock exams can be covered up. The Prosecutor's office of St. Pölten determined already for 16 months and is probably still not sure whether to touch this hot iron really (or may?).

There is an exit from the interests of the community of “Economists syndicate”?
Until now, the mutual entanglement of the “Social”authorities (usually cost carrier) with the service providers. I refer to it as the “Economists group”, because some of the carriers for the disabled have been subjected to the economistic requirements of the country, princely “powers that be”. In collective bargaining, it has manoeuvred itself more and more in mutual dependence. The institutions have submitted to the dictation of the countries, instead of dragging in your organization responsibility clear boundaries, which would be offered by the Federal statutory framework. In my opinion, remain the operators of the “illegal nursing homes” only the self-display, the eyes squeeze the country's nursing regulatory authorities or the Ministry of health and the announcement of the exit from this “syndicate”. Perhaps there is also something of a leniency programme, when all the facts are laid out on the table?

An end to the federalist incompetence!
Dear Mr. Huainigg, I find this article (note: below) much too simplistic. The position of “quality care with the simultaneous development of the holistic care approach” must of course be the goal. But instead of precarious care conditions for people in need of care AND qualified caregivers represent a huge risk to want to play down, and a bill to legalize, we should concentrate on the core of the problem, and it is in all clarity response: The eugenic-Economics basic orientation and fundamental rights-less Constitution of our unsolidarischen community! Here we must begin, as the constitutional law and the Federal legislature is required. The countries of the “Social competence” – at least since the entry Into force of the UN disability rights Convention for persons with a disability – in the course of urgent reform of the Constitution, be deprived of! How big is the suffering of the federalist incompetence needs to be?

Posting in Forum of BICEPS-INFO: 18. July 2009 At 00:01

Addendum (20.07.2009):
@anonymous and anonymousThe parties referred to each other debt with respect to “main”. In Vienna, in lower Austria, other absolutist government. In the Federal and the Supreme courts are a Eugen-economistic orientation and the irresponsible Continue with the 90-year-old provisional restoration of a fundamental right-Federal Constitution the causes for the care debacle and the excessive “public debt” to People would.
All the employees of the nursing occupations and social care occupations are also deceived the victim of the “Economists syndicate”. At the Most, and mocks carers will be exploited in this politically motivated system of Injustice, but . Completely ignored be the Needs and rights, and the Dignity the people in need of care.

Posting in Forum of BICEPS-INFO: 20. July 2009 At 13:03

Gerhard Lichtenauer, Austrian citizens ' initiative “the Home home” [URL removed, note.]

. Guest comment from Franz-Joseph Huainigg (7.7.2009)
In the Parliament discussion on the report on the "situation of disabled people". The life situation in small residential communities is absurd. ...
Source: BICEPS-INFO Life in the sterile, Latex-WG (17. As of July 2009)

Since October 2008 I am no longer a member of the Parliament, but as the ÖVP disabled spokesman. The press released on 7. July 2009, a speech that I held in Parliament:

Dear Mr. Minister of social Affairs! Dear Mr. health Minister!
May I ask, without being indiscreet, what it looks like in your home? Have you mounted bathroom soap dispenser and hands-disinfection of the donor? Or is it in place of towels paper towels? You eat, perhaps on a non-germ-free wooden table?

These questions might seem at first glance absurd, but the national standards for residential communities with people with disabilities to transform the homely atmosphere increasingly sterile small clinics. Under the guise of “quality assurance” shrinks the real quality of life of disabled people is increasing. Wood gives way to the plastic, everything must be wipeable, Latex gloves for each hand grip, it smells like disinfectant.

But above all, the concept of “small family thwart professional interests similar structures instead of large homes”. While in big homes, adequate nursing staff around the clock can be available, is the small residential communities of up to 8 residents, organizationally and financially not possible.

In Vienna, the Disabled, professionals have a social, educational, disability, educational or psycho-social training of a minimum of 630 hours. Cope is currently in the holistic care of the disabled people in the foreground.

The workers, who have daily to do with the same disabled people, are allowed to perform legally in spite of the high qualifications almost no Care, not even for regularly recurring activities for which they could be trained by a qualified nurse or a Doctor. This results in assisted living communities to absurd situations and, ultimately, the concept of life of disabled people in family-like residential structures completely out of the question.

Here are three absurd examples from the practice:

An Elderly man lives for over 20 years in an assisted living community. He suffers from Diabetes, the blood sugar must be regularly and Insulin is injected in a controlled manner. The Team of residential community-trained teachers, who are not also empowered, if they would make appropriate diabetic training, in the course of their professional activity to measure the blood sugar and Insulin to administer.

If there is evidence of Over – or hypoglycemia, the Wait can delay the Arrival of a nurse, a timely Set of measures, what to

a deterioration of the overall condition or a diabetic coma can result.

A WG-resident has been brought on the weekend in the absence of availability of a doctor and a graduate nurse with constipation in the hospital. After a few hours of the release, the arrangement is made to give an enema. Since managers are not authorised to do so, would expenses (the weekend!) a mobile service to be organised. In addition to the pain and delay are liable was the intimate engagement by a for the disabled people in a completely foreign Person.

According to a statement of caring professionals, and also according to my own experience, nutrition is via a nasogastric tube is much safer for data than to eat and Drink via the mouth – the risk of life-threatening Swallowing! The support for the (more dangerous) oral food intake is allowed for supervisors, via the probe, however, only care professionals reserved.

Disabled people like me, whose bladder catheter bacteria or their breathing cannula needs to be extracted due to the mucilage in irregular intervals, can not live in a small residential community. Not because these nursing measures of supervisor would be the inside of a Training by Physicians is feasible, but because this was due to the.

Carers may, however, perform all these activities in the outpatient 24-hour care at home, or in the case of the support of a personal assistant, this could be 2008 in the GuKG for Affected needs regulated. Not so often necessary supervised family-like residential structures: in The GuKG-controlled module of the base supply, it should be taught as an integral part of all training courses to the different social professions.

Anyone who has knowledge on this basis, should be limited by nursing staff or Doctors nursing activities for a specific Person, time-controlled and can get to Training delegates.

Dear Minister, it is a provision of a qualitative care with the simultaneous development of the holistic care approach. The lives of disabled people in smaller residential communities with a maximum of four residents must be the goal.

This can only succeed if it is not the professional interests, but the needs of people with disabilities to be placed in the foreground.

Translated by Yandex.Translate and Global Translator

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