- 1/2 RT @Optimismus1000 Life after the crisis: Good + life instead of have a lot of departure from the company #Ichlinge http://bit.ly/3bmcUf #
- 2/2 life after the crisis: "community mutual" as a new society ideally All benefit from each other http://bit.ly/3bmcUf #
- Death after scalding, procedures, final set http://bit.ly/11LDnv But a fart is endangering the safety http://bit.ly/3Cv8ey #
- @SupSappel thanks for the TV tip: #Care emergency #Homes http://bit.ly/sagmP ORF-topic, Wh... 11:05 3Sat #Omission Stopwatch- #Care #
- Please RT #Care emergency Nursing homes http://bit.ly/sagmP ORF-subject Wh. today 9:35 ORF2, 11:05 3Sat #Homes #Omission #Violence #
- Well fed and clean? http://bit.ly/4275V6 Breaking the wall of silence #Subitem assungsgewalt #Homes #Care emergency 2.0 #
- Care a state of emergency in Austria. Nursing homes: WUNDGELEGEN, LONELY, undernourished, http://bit.ly/sagmP ORF-subject Wh. today 9:35 ORF2, 11:05 3Sat #
- RT @Bernhard Jenny disease or cynicism? http://networkedblogs.com/p12856496 ... you can always make more and more #Money #Tax #Morality #
- #Life will #Euthanasia "We want to talk about how we can live, not how we die." http://bit.ly/4mjWV0 #Suicide #MS #
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