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23.08.09 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

[D+307] FSW: the dream of The optimal social service

The FSW praises be optimal Services, customer orientation and individualized support services.
The alleged Motto “We are there, to be there for you” but it should be for the Affected experience!

In a recent Press release of the Vienna city hall (See Text below) is the – divided from the territorial administration of the Federal capital, in an adventurous and controversial way in front of more than five years the social carrier “Fonds Soziales Wien” (FSW) as the optimal service organization and as a success story to follow.

It is always amazing and fascinating to see how far this politically motivated Euphemisms generated illusions of the realm of reality may vary.

Dear Mr. Hacker,

They claim:

“We take the time to capture the entire Situation of each customer and each customer, and then to offer support, which really helps in the particular Situation. After all, each person is not equal to”.

You don't hide the fact that this is true for severely multi-handicapped people: These apply for FSW as a Behinterte 2. and 3. Class.

What time do you Wake up?

Gerhard Lichtenauer

The Postings in the Forum of BICEPS-INFO: nr=10027#fid10496 & fid10524 18.08. 10:04 & 24.08.2009 00:03 at

Article in BICEPS-INFO Text: City Hall Correspondence (17. August 2009)
Vienna social Fund: Optimum Service for Viennese
“We are there for you to be”, is the Motto in customers ' service of the Vienna social Fund (FSW).

In a total of eleven guidance centres, eight mobile nursing and care and one for residential care homes for the elderly, disabled and Homeless people will advise you individually.
“We take the time to capture the entire Situation of each customer and each customer, and then to offer support, which really helps in the particular Situation. After all, each person is not equal to”, says the managing Director of the FSW, Peter Hacker, to the success story of the customers service of the FSW.

The advice centres see themselves as a “One-Stop-Shops”. According to the principle of “we the files, not the clients” to inform the staff of the FSW customer service on the social services of Vienna, to select the clients to the appropriate organization, provide the required services, and calculate the promotion. In 2008, the FSW processed over 27,000 requests from customers.

In addition to the consultation centers of SozialRuf Wien and the visiting service, at the Vienna aged 65 years and over, by prior agreement, home visits and be informed belonging to the service offer of the Vienna social Fund.

Translated by Yandex.Translate and Global Translator

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Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content at all. Original: English
