Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!

Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

Mütter schwerstbehinderter Kinder


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[D+64] Pluralistic Ignorance

The slope to the collective look away (“audience effect”], is in particular when it comes to the authorities ' discrimination (or indirect discrimination), in the “Austrian soul”, as well as the political Elite and in the “legal system” and their representatives are deeply rooted. [... more]


[D+60] laws correct

Many laws and policies are urgently adapt to the UN disability rights Convention, because they violate human rights. The implementation of the UN Convention into national law in Austria and Germany, because of the federalism challenges. [... more]


[D+56] EntHEIMlichung 2

Want to be of lower Austria to the social model region of Europe, by prohibitions of Discrimination in accordance with the Federal Constitution, article 7, of the EC Treaty article 13, UN Convention on the rights of disabled people article 19 pays attention u. v. a. fundamental rights and freedoms, miss? Why are the guidelines of the NÖ held for persons with a disability a secret? Services may be of assistance to the disabled in front of potential beneficiaries is hiding and the “additions” be designed so that they can hardly be claimed? The NÖ will help the disabled, performed in the impermissible arbitrariness and a conscious disregard of the Constitution by the provincial government of lower Austria, is a even? [... more]


[D+51] human rights - legal action is excluded

OPEN LETTER on human rights day – 10 questions to the constitutional Court-President to 60. Anniversary of the universal Declaration of human rights: 60 years of the same basic rights and freedoms for all people, the disabled people excluded. Disabled the help of the countries: “The decision is final”. All the fundamental rights and freedoms must be made for disabled people without barriers and obstacles that are accessible, like non-disabled people. [... more]


[D+50] EntHEIMlichung 1

EntHEIMlichung so far verheimli compressor NÖ directives “Living” for disabled people, The “family land” of lower Austria see obviously the way of the segregation of disabled people in special institutions of social Welfare as the way of the future and a model. Another concern is that the provincial government of lower Austria tries to keep the Details of these policies, obviously, in front of the population, and particularly against the Affected and their families a secret. To Hidden, bring to light, be entHEIMlicht these NÖ guidelines now“”. [... more]


[D+44] Muzzle-Attempt

3. December – the International day of people with disabilities – A contribution to transparency in the area of institutional care of disabled people. As a response to a newspaper article from 21. October 2008, in the ‘Salzburger Nachrichten’ – “allegations against the nursing home” and an upcoming ORF-topic - post – “handicapped helper in oblique light” was threatening on the part of the operator of the facility for people with disabilities legal action against the Home reviewers. [... more]


[D+23] fundamental rights and freedoms recognised!

To live a self-determined is a fundamental right of people with disabilities Every person with disabilities has the right to live where he wants, regardless of the type and extent of the disability. Representatives from politics and administration to continue to ignore, be advised that you must intentionally and continue to be human and accept responsibility for this hurt! [... more]


[D+15], ORF-topic

Care for the disabled residential communities: insufficient organizational and personnel structures in care facilities for severely multiple disabled people with high care needs. Precarious care of the consequences(te) for the patient. How to go to the lower Austria Supervisory authorities with this fact? [... more]


[D+11] Human Rights Test

Germany delayed the ratification of the UN Convention, Austria has to grant already struggled through, the General human rights of disabled people. Whether Austrian officials take part in the next few months, the last words of Elke Bartz (in own interest) to heart: “... approximately half of the officials would actually have to sit in jail because they have violated the law.” [... more]


[D+8] Diffuse Fronts

Diffuse fronts in a apart up to the basic rights of needy people – Who is on which side? Important victory for attorney Kroll. Was worried the stand representation, in fact, the culture of care? What are the interests pursued by the lawyer's chamber, to a courageous colleagues a leg? What Einflüsterer could it have given? [... more]


Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content at all. Original: English
