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24.09.08 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

Care financing part 4: ignorance is the main problem of justice is needed!

Financing of care, support and assistance to secure ... [part 4]


  • The main problem is the completely incompetent and messed up social bureaucracy of Austria. The existence of affected families with the highest family members needing care are being systematically destroyed.
  • Justice (fair wages, what else?) for carers and all the care of persons unconditional obligation of the community of solidarity is.
  • Social security (as a core task of the state) is finally adapting to new circumstances, is currently respects grossly miss!
  • The individual needs for assistance (incl. social participation aspects) must be covered by people worthy of it, otherwise the Rest is lost to the humanity of our society soon.

NR-Abg Dr. Franz-Joseph Huainigg, ÖVP speaker for people with disabilities, presented in the three weeks leading up to the no-choice on 28.09.2008, at its Homepage 21 positions, demands and requests to the disability policy.

Here in Katja's and my discussion in Blog posts FJH21 Forum – Link to all my posts:

Post DsH_ad_FJH21-13_4 (2008.09.24-11:16):

Item 9: further development of the care system by the Austria Fund ... [Part 4] (FJH - original text see below)

To the questions:

*** If you are affected, What problems they have in the care sector?***

As a carer, close standing disabled our severely multiple times (“former “) to care for daughter, with 19 years of intensive care experience, I can say only: The main problem is not the severity of disability with the highest care needs, there is the cost problem for the public sector, but the completely incompetent and messed up social bureaucracy in Austria and, in particular, the provinces of Vienna and lower Austria.

With incredible ignorance, painful unprofessionalism, incomprehensible narrow-mindedness, lengthy lack of conscience and pre-potency to corruption and crime, to be ignored at the country level, equal treatment, rights and discrimination prohibitions of the Constitution, the physical and psychological integrity of severely disabled people at risk, and the economic livelihood of the affected families with the highest family members needing care are systematically destroyed. Incredible Details on this in the full awareness of the criminal and civil legal relevance – made accusations, will soon be on the website [Anm.: “Katja – my-life”] was published.

*** What are the measures it takes to support carers more? ***

Just justice!

Poverty, under-supply and maintenance neglect long-term consequences of care – which can be anyone, at any time – must not be longer than individual risk is considered. At the time of the development of social protection systems, such as health and pension insurance, was not given to the Problem of long - term care needs far into the degree, as is the case today. Medical progress and resolution of existing family structures have changed, the Situation is crucial, what social protection have not been adjusted measures accordingly.

There is a need, nationwide, in solidarity with all disability and in need of care - caused, individual needs is an absolute Necessity! The provision of support resources to the extent desired and required, burden-sharing and compensation, in particular, the financial expense and losses to Affected and Affected a reasonably “normal” life.

Because One thing is clear that currently on the part of the “community of solidarity” in a shabby way, refused to meet the demand of required supports is always compensated by someone or with life, “paid in full”, in the figurative and in the literal sense!

A care system is worthy of to be Concerned and Care (whether Professional or family members) then meet people, if there is a need for the individual assistance (incl. Part I covers aspects), and ALL care, regret, and assisting people a fair wage for good work and through a variety of Discharge services on exploitation and self-exploitation protects. This means in particular, that family carers (and all other informal Helping) a reasonable fee is entitled to that loss of wages and social protection adequately covers.

Today we are witnessing that the so-called “achievers” are overpaid, with up to 100-Fold of their performance. The actual service providers, family caregivers, which received the Austrian care system, with the remaining Rest-care allowance up to 10 times the paid up completely unpaid. This is just unfair!

*** You have to be afraid of in need of care to? ***

I'm not afraid, because life – even in a time of great Need – live value. Any situation in life demanded that we out, all the border experience, have a important meaning and a deep meaning. I shudder, however, in front of an already dawning society, the remnants of which were crushed to humanity by unscrupulous Economism. Victims prepare resistance fighters there's no shortage once again.

Back to the contributions DsH_ad_FJH21-13_3, DsH_ad_FJH21-13_2 and DsH_ad_FJH21-13_1

Gerhard Lichtenauer, Austrian citizens ' initiative “the Home home” (, and Katja's Blog (

Original text to FJH21-13 source: (15.09.2008)


“The financing of care must also be ensured in the future. The establishment of the Austria Fund is to.assure that” this proposal for the further development of our care system, Vice-Chancellor Wilhelm Molterer called in his “speech on the state of the Nation”

Our care system needs in view of the demographic development urgently a further development, is. Now, there is a first funding proposal, how this might be done. The care Fund, as Wilhelm Molterer suggests, is to be fed from the Proceeds of privatization, and similar to the family burdens equalisation Fund act. In the field of care new care could be created ways and tried. – About day structures, so that family carers can also go to a employment. It needs also financially viable model for older and disabled people, who do not need Round-the-clock care, but only by the hour support.

In the further development of the care system, in addition to securing financing prior to the discharge to a care-giver. 80 percent of all people in need of care are cared for at home.

In addition to demands and concerns, but there are also improvements that could be implemented: It is able to create through the 24-hour care in a legal and affordable System for elderly and disabled people who have need-the-clock care. This was an important first step, since care may not take place in a legal grey area.

By the amendment to the Healthy - and hospital care act may now also perform Personal assistants and personal assistants in the context of the 24-hour care for activities legal.


If you are affected, What problems they have in the care sector?

What measures it takes to support carers more?

Are you afraid of care to be in need of?

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