The right to inclusive education system at all levels implement! (UN CRPD, article 24)
- Unfortunately, existing equality rights of disabled people are still denied and boycotted, so also in the education system.
- Values-Erosion: Even where inclusive education structures for the last 15 years would be implemented, the bottleneck in the System through savings.
- Inclusive education is changing the attitude of managers requires, in particular, on the political level, priorities are re-aligning.
- Also, not all under one roof ‘benefit would be disabled to consistently inclusive education for ALL’!
NR-Abg Dr. Franz-Joseph Huainigg, ÖVP speaker for people with disabilities, presented in the three weeks leading up to the no-choice on 28.09.2008, at its Homepage 21 positions, demands and requests to the disability policy.
Here in Katja's and my discussion in Blog posts FJH21 Forum:
Link to all my posts:
Post DsH_ad_FJH21_20 (2008.09.09-03:21):
Item 2: continuation of the school Integration after the eighth grade! ... (FJH - original text see below)
This is of course a matter of course, and you will have to, unfortunately, continue to discuss, because it is always Preventer to the corridors of Power there.
The inclusive education in all age levels is a human right! This was acknowledged two months ago by the ratification of the UN disability rights Convention, Austria and is therefore responsible for ensuring. A question, unfortunately, as so often, the implementation. The ‘real-existing’ equality after 15 years of school Integration suffers, unfortunately, for lack of special educational resources, more and more, as a increasing demand not the necessary funds are provided even though we are one of the richest countries. In spite of fine-sounding declarations of intent, it suffers from the strength in the implementation due to eroded value.
Homo Economicus kills homo sociologicusa ‘horizontal’ Version of the ‘vertical’ “Cain & Abel” conflict.
To the questions:
*** Benefits in the form of an integration class, every child with or at the expense of non-disabled children? Would you give your own child in an integrated class? ***
Inclusion is always a “win-win” Situation. All not only wish to be in integration classes is disabled. Personally, I see but also the limits of the common teaching. For our Katja (severe, multiple disabilities), was clearly a “S-class” with basal funding priority to the better place. But even in such cases, education for ALL should be ‘under one roof’, with as many encounters, of course.
*** It needs a special program for gifted children? These are going in an inclusive school system is not? ***
In an inclusive school system with individual pedagogical orientation of each segmentation is overcome, so also for the highly gifted, no “special school” conducive to.
*** If you are self-involved: What experience have you had with special educational centres? ***
Our Experience with SPC were like night and day. We needed to escape to the ‘half-time’ in a different district from lower Austria to upper Austria, on the “demarcation line”!
Gerhard Lichtenauer, Austrian Citizens ' Initiative “Home instead of home” and Katja's Blog (
Original text to FJH21_20 -source: (08.09.2008)
I should have come in the mid-70s in the school, it has been said that you can't, for the handicapped children there are special schools. My parents insisted that I go to a normal mainstream school. That this succeeded was certainly for my whole life-critical, since both my classmates and I have developed a self-understanding in each other. The key to the self-evident participation of disabled people in the life is, in my opinion, in the Integration in the Kindergarten and in the school. For almost 15 years, there is now school Integration in Austria in General education. Today, almost every elementary and secondary school, at least, an integration of class – undoubtedly a great success, but there is still a lot to implement:
Quality assurance and continuation of Integration after the eighth grade. The Integration of children with special educational education needs in the Austrian Rule up to the eighth grade were rooted, and is also practiced. That there is a need to further Offered the Integrative vocational education and training. The continuation of school Integration in the vocational and General education middle and high schools tested and to General education are accepted.
Conversion of the special pedagogical centres (SPC) in individual educational centres (IPZ). The experience of special education should be made for the entire school system. The disabled child, as well as gifted, should be demanded, in accordance with his abilities and promoted, where the Max self-life Integration, and in addition to “special classes” integration classes, as well as individual support should offer programs for gifted children.
Teacher training: More special education knowledge and practical experience for all teachers. All the contenders should acquire a teaching principles of special needs education, to be able to easily get in an integration class, which are now in almost all schools. Special education teachers for deaf children should receive in the context of the teaching and training of language skills in Austrian sign language (ÖGS).
Benefits in the form of an integration class, every child with or at the expense of non-disabled children? Would you give your own child in an integrated class?
It needs a special program for gifted children? These are going in an inclusive school system is not?
If you are self-involved: What experience have you had with special educational centres?
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