Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!
Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home
08.09.08 The inclusion of the disabled (and are also sick and due to the age of the help the needy) people in the program deal of many people would help contact anxieties and lead to more interactions. ... On the way to a company culture of inclusion and the media should take as a catalyst an important social and political role. [... more]
05.09.08 Exemplary approaches of the pilot project – mentally impaired people, as well as teaching and research assistants to discriminate against and carers, should now be sacrificed on the altar of Economism. Still be ignored from a purely fiscal considerations of human rights. [... more]
02.09.08 The group of the severely in need of multiple disabilities a voice, a “representation of self representation”. We must not pretend to where he/she hears “hung”. [... more]
14.08.08 It is an indictment of our alleged rule of law, when public Law bodies, such as the countries (against better knowledge) in your country are allowed to ignore human laws and regulations, international laws, agreements, and equal treatment and freedom of rights of the Federal Constitution so long “” and in the administrative practice of the applicable law to bow, until they are summoned by international courts and procedure. [... more]
11.08.08 There are today in our Latitudes no starker system of Exploitation, as the cheap Boarding caring for relatives, especially when you look at the them for superhuman, highly professional work remaining to care for money in Relation to the public funding of aussonder and entsozialisierenden care ghetto. [... more]
06.08.08 In the previous solution, the so-called “24-hour care” is a sham, both of the self-employed, as well as of the dependent solution. Against the Background of the so-called “ash island lbständigkeit” is, in spite of both variants in the vast majority of care cases, to implement a “reasonable AND legitimate” organization hardly! [... more]
05.08.08 A new nope Directive “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people” to ensure that the needy people in their immediate living environment point to learn accurate and appropriate help and support to individual needs. That sounds very interesting! [... more]
20.07.08 The struggle for self-determination, accessibility, social justice and needs-based supports for people with disabilities were a concern. Mr. Böck was paralyzed since youth, cross-sectional and users of a wheelchair. He was until his Retirement a member of staff of the ÖBB. There he sat, years ago, for more accessibility. His car hobbyist - a passion for American vintage cars was.
Franz Böck joined in June [... more]
19.07.08 It has a publish method, funding opportunities, and services and to make “additions” so that they can only be used by quite a few claim. Patronizing can be boasted of, which there are social benefits, and how well it's all in the social Paradise. [... more]
18.07.08 Sham solution of the 24-hour care ... is neither legally, nor affordable, or any contribution to a discharge. A solution of bureaucrats to the satisfaction of the bureaucracy. The most Affected ignore you anyway, which is completely understandable. Not little money will be moved with a lot of effort between the pots, that's it. [ ... more]
A half-inclusion is fucked up! Inclusion is indivisible, there can be no Rest.
Person-Centred Support, Inclusion, Participation, Dignity,.