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20.10.08 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

Search Family

Looking for a family, Katja ends up but as a Baby in an infant home

Katja 3 Monate altAfter three months Fight for survival as a premature baby in the hospital, Katya came to the birth mother, where she lived for about six months. The single, young mother then sought of support to the youth welfare office, which turned out to be unfortunately as an error, because the help they received, unfortunately, in the hoped-for and necessary manner. Her desire was to find a foster family for Katya.

Between the station 1. Care of family, home and threatens to end of the line.
Katja 9 Monate altAccording to one of the following month two weeks1 unsuccessful placing Katie's with a foster family (teaching falsely as a healthy Baby!), Katja came in a Vienna infant care home. And Katja ended up in the home, the birth mother is no longer a Chance of getting them out, even though they wanted to.

Depositary(los)ung in Vienna's infant home
Säuglingsheim des Zentral-Krippenverein2
In other States it is not allowed to be at the time homes for infants, because of long-recognized psychological damage (Hospitalism/Deprivation Syndrome), institutional care (without a fixed reference person) in the infant and toddler age.

At the latest, these “not appropriate to the species Mass conservation” (what else falls to me to such a clearance is not a sites) Katja “the Rest”, namely a severe mental injury (deprivation syndrome by withdrawal of Stimuli, and attention).

During the time in the infant home Katja had an almost complete developmental arrest (e.g., no head-, Tooth - and hair - growth, etc.), so they're a complete life of denial (sounds incredible, but it was so).

The desire of the mother was to continue to find, instead of the “home custody(los)ung”, not necessarily a foster family for Katya.

Eight months (from the 10. to 18. Month of life) was Katja in the “home” for too long, because just at this time would have been able to find many developments that failed to materialize. The damage caused by the home stay were fatal.

Katja finds a foster family
Katja finally found parents who wanted to be there for a child that needs a family. But first, a few obstacles had to be removed. The unfortunately took unnecessarily too long, about six months after we had already decided to take Katya in care. To be able to valuable time to develop, Katja robbed in this way by the incompetence of the authorities.

First, a “medical” report commissioned by the Viennese youth welfare office, which got that label, Katja as “not suitable for inclusion in a family” as “family unable” was there. After we provide as a nursing recruiter, the youth welfare office also psycho-Amstetten logically checked (who does something like that?) and you tried to hold on the part of the authorities, through deliberate delay, and some other Tricks, at was however, the inclusion of Katie's as a foster child in our family at last 20. November 19893.

How Katja would then prefer to do everything at once, learn to read you here: “Push for development at home

Date Of Last Revision: 07.10.2013

  1. Correction from 30.6.2013 to obtain more detailed information.
  2. Change from 3.4.2013: the photo of the so far anonymous panel “infant home” was changed for reasons of Transparency, to the “infant home of the Central crib club” (currently: children's centre Central nursery Association, Lainzer Str. 172, 1130 Wien, Editor's Note.)
  3. Addendum dated 30.06.2013: Only about 20 years later, we realized that this day – in our eyes, the second birthday of Katja's – at the same time the birthday of the UN children's rights Convention. The international Convention on the rights of the child, the UN children's rights Convention (UN CRC), was 20. November 1989 of the UN General Assembly adopted.
    Addendum dated 07.10.2013: Already 30 years earlier, on 20. In November 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the "Declaration on the rights of the child". Since 1989, the 20. November International children's rights day, or world children's day (Universal Children's Day). Germany and Austria celebrate this day on 20. September.

Translated by Yandex.Translate and Global Translator

1 comment to search family

  • Maria Heidelberg

    When do you want to show solidarity with the youth welfare office employees, in order to put an end to it?

    You don't have to allow this to happen, if they want to do it? The lies solely in your hands what happens here!

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