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25.09.08 - Gerhard Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

[D-25] Has to hide the provincial government of lower Austria?

Nope Directive “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people”


  • Why the Land of lower Austria for singling out disabled people as for Integration of these people into society?
  • Why are people, depending on their type of disability, with respect to backups treated differently? Why repeatedly urged disabled people in the absence of outpatient supports, your life to spend in special facilities?
  • Terms such as “individual needs” and “immediate residential environment,” inflationary and unfair to give a totally false impression?
  • Want to be of lower Austria to the social model region of Europe, by prohibitions of Discrimination in accordance The Federal Constitution Article 7, EC Treaty article 13, UN Convention on the rights of disabled people Article 19 of the u. v. a. fundamental rights and freedoms disrespected?
  • Why are the Details of the Directive, “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people” kept secret?
  • What has Niederösterreich – of the “A Trendsetter in nursing and care” to hide – in the interest of all?
Daheim statt Heim

Österr. Citizens ' initiative “the Home home”

Subject: Has to hide the provincial government of lower Austria? ... [Nope Directive “Housing for mentally and multiple handicapped people”]
Date: 25 Sep 2008 12:42
To: “The People's Lawyer Dr. Peter Kostelka”
CC: “Mag. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, NÖ social councillor”


To the AOB
z. Hd. Hrn. Dr. Peter Kostelka

Dear Dr. Kostelka,

The lower Austrian state government has decided on a policy of “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people”.

See APA press release: OTS0177 5 II 0161 NNV0003 (Di, 16.Sep 2008)
Mikl-Leitner: point to respond accurately to individual needs of disabled people
Directive “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people”

St. Pölten (NÖI) – In today's government meeting, the provincial government of lower Austria, the whole area of Housing has been regulated for the mentally and multiple disabled people in a new Directive. “Here it comes, a detailed key to the various forms of Care and the care to define the hours to the individual forms of living,” explains VP-social councillor Mag. Johanna Mikl-Leitner.

The Directive “Live” controls in addition, the staff requirements in the respective residential facilities and calculations of the from the country NÖ to be cost charges. The Land for the improvements in the sense of mentally and multiple leg pregnant people 3 million euros in the Hand.

“The aim of this new Directive is to be able to the specific and individual needs of the disabled people's right to the point and appropriate to respond. So that we can make a significant contribution to the social model region in Europe,” said Mikl-Leitner.

Contact: people's party of lower Austria – public Relations – Tel: 02742/9020 DW 141 –

Contrary to the original transmission OTS0167 5 II 0254 NNV0003 (Di, 05.Aug 2008) was claimed in which, this policy guarantees that the needy people “in their immediate living environment, accurate and expedient assistance and support to the respective individual needs to know“ from the correspondence can be seen that there are guidelines for inpatient care forms, the Details of which will be to keep obvious, to try to of the population a secret.

I therefore urge you to check the AOB, the following:

  1. Must decided the appropriate land policy to the exclusion of the Public and their Details will continue to be handled as a closure thing?
  2. It may be that the aussonder will be given to the accommodation of disabled people in ghettoisiere special facilities, with respect to assistance from public funds is a preferential (multiple funds) with respect to the life in the own four walls with outpatient forms of Support, after the UN calls for a Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in article 19 to the contrary in a legally binding way. This international Convention took effect in may in the world in force and was ratified by Austria in July 2008.

With kind Regards,
Ing. Gerhard Lichtenauer
The Initiator of the Austrian citizens ' initiative “Home instead of home
T: 0699 12490010

PS: The correspondence on this topic was published in Katja's Blog and on the website of Home instead-home
--- Original Message ---

Subject: AW: demand to the content of the newly adopted NÖ Directive “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people”
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 11:19:35 +0200
From: Office LR Mikl-Leitner
To: Gerhard Lichtenauer, Ing.

Dear Mr. Ing. Lichtenauer!

To Stay your Request for the guidelines for mentally and multiple disabled persons, we inform you that there are guidelines of the Federal state of lower Austria, in which requirements for the carrier of the management of facilities relating to are formulated. These documents can therefore not be provided. The guidelines are not decided on by the provincial government of lower Austria.

However, we are willing to take you to the approval of the provincial government of lower Austria (this is expected by the end of September 2008) to provide General Information.

With kind Regards,



The Office Of Regional Councillor Mag. Johanna Mikl-Leitner
Landhausplatz 1, 3109 St. Pölten

Tel.: 02742 / 9005 – 13292
Mobile: 0676 / 812 – 13292
Fax: 02742 / 9005 – 12650

--Original Message--
From: Gerhard Lichtenauer, Ing. []
Sent: Thursday, 11. September 2008, 10:54
To: “Mag. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, NÖ social councillor”
Subject: Demand to the content of the newly adopted NÖ Directive “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people”

Dear wife Likes a social councillor. Mikl-Leitner,

to my request from 5.8.08 I unfortunately, to date, still no answer.
I therefore request you once again to insight in the relevant Directive, or communication, why this is not possible.

With kind Regards,
Ing. Gerhard Lichtenauer
The Initiator of the Austrian citizens ' initiative “Home instead of home
T: 0699 12490010

PS: The OPEN LETTER of my request is released Katja's Blog under

--- Original Message ---

Daheim statt Heim

Austrian citizens ' initiative “the Home home”

Subject: Request as to the content of the newly adopted NÖ Directive
“Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people”
Date: 05 Aug 2008 16:39
To: “Mag. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, NÖ social councillor”


Dear wife Likes a social councillor. Mikl-Leitner,

in a today's press release for the Ground-breaking ceremony for the To and,increase in life help Sollenau (Karl Ryker village) a newly adopted NÖ Directive “Housing for the mentally and multiple handicapped people” .

According to today's emission warranty of this policy that the needy people in their immediate living environment, accurate and expedient assistance and support to the respective individual needs to know. The o. g. life - support facility in Sollenau confirm, already 20 years ago, with the demand-oriented and individual care of severely disabled people to set a milestone.

Fortunately, in the last decades, international developments in the understanding actually need just supports, the company had an equal part and inclusion, that any hospital, institutional Housing arrangements never be able to come close to the Optimum for a private family, or any other self - chosen living and support the form and, therefore, only as a stopgap or interim solution.

As a carer of a severely Close to allow multi-disabled Person of this target group and as Initiator of an Austria-wide Initiative for these formulations, the heart beat, I am extremely excited about the contents of this Directive. According to the above-quoted objective of this Directive, it must be a milestone that could also go in the direction of the implementation of the UN disability Convention.

I therefore request you to send of this Directive and, where applicable, the corresponding explanations or resolutions.

With kind Regards,
Ing. Gerhard Lichtenauer
The Initiator of the Austrian citizens ' initiative “Home instead of home
T: 0699 12490010

PS: I reserve the right to make this request and, if necessary, respond to it, on the websites of Home instead-home and the Blog to publish.

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