Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!
Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home
14.08.08 It is an indictment of our alleged rule of law, when public Law bodies, such as the countries (against better knowledge) in your country are allowed to ignore human laws and regulations, international laws, agreements, and equal treatment and freedom of rights of the Federal Constitution so long “” and in the administrative practice of the applicable law to bow, until they are summoned by international courts and procedure. [... more]
17.07.08 To our – Austria – shame not to see that the national institutions and legal resources are insufficient obviously, discrimination as well as unlawful and to prevent inhumane treatment or remedy. [... more]
17.07.08 Lower Austria as a model of how to deal with people in need of care, will prove to be the “example par excellence” fatalster error. [... more]
17.07.08 Countries the entire range of the help” socially needy people to distribute “according to authorities, arbitrary and, depending on the Fund. The supposedly “voluntary benefits”, which provide the countries as “Private”, there is no right to claim. AIDS, which actually is entitled to, will be dismissed up to the highest courts with specious arguments. [... more]
A half-inclusion is. Inclusion is indivisible, there can be no Rest.
Person-Centred Support, Inclusion, Participation.