Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!

Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

Mütter schwerstbehinderter Kinder


All of the pages, see Page list


Official graces are a thing of the past!

Human rights and people of a higher value than the principles of Economism would have. “For official manifestations of grace there is in the rule of law has no place,” human rights and people would have a higher value than a “deportation” in aussondernde in-patient facilities, out of seemingly public fiscal interest. [... more]


Katja - my life


Here's the report on some of the stations and situations of my life coming soon:

My life – not capable of survival? My life – not family? My life – not capable of development? My life – crisis and new beginning of My life – in the individual pace of My life – not school? My life – not care? My life is not equal? My life not important? [... more]


Bureaucracy is suffocating humanity - announcement

“Bureaucracy stifled humanity,” “darkness is the only light eliminated!”

In Austria, people with age and / or disability-related need for assistance together with their families, fundamental rights deprived. This is done in the context of childcare, education, youth welfare, the disabled, the Social, and the elderly.

“Your Unbelievable, the truth escapes are Recognized” (Heraclitus of Ephesus)

You will be [... more]


Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content. Original: English
