Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!

Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

Mütter schwerstbehinderter Kinder


All of the pages, see Page list


Your money or your life – the reprehensible Coup!

"Geld oder Leben"

The rejection of the Social

"Your money or your life"- Coup

Accession to the EU (in early 1995) was a turning point in the Austrian social policy, the rejection of the Social set up and spread out, until today. The later onset of social cold snap (Cabinet: Vrnaitzky, climate, Schüssel, Gusenbauer, Faymann) is directly proportional with the stranglehold of the stability Pact to the Federation and the Länder. The pressure was 1:1 [... more]


News 2012-03-24 (weekly tweets)

Mothers of severely disabled children, Charlotte Lichtenauer, in-house nursing care for children and young people 2012-03-20


News 2012-03-17 (weekly tweets)

Wolfgang S. calls for his fundamental rights and freedoms, which are denied him for years: 2012-03-12


Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content. Original: English
