Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!

Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

Mütter schwerstbehinderter Kinder


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[D+23] fundamental rights and freedoms recognised!

To live a self-determined is a fundamental right of people with disabilities Every person with disabilities has the right to live where he wants, regardless of the type and extent of the disability. Representatives from politics and administration to continue to ignore, be advised that you must intentionally and continue to be human and accept responsibility for this hurt! [... more]


[D+15], ORF-topic

Care for the disabled residential communities: insufficient organizational and personnel structures in care facilities for severely multiple disabled people with high care needs. Precarious care of the consequences(te) for the patient. How to go to the lower Austria Supervisory authorities with this fact? [... more]


Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content. Original: English
