![]() | katja – at home instead of in the homeThere is only lived inclusion, not lectured. | |
01.06.08 Listing of all pages on Katie's life - (left side column), without Blog posts (Postings on the right side column, see article list): katja – at home instead of in the home Katja Katja does not fit into any Schema – it's my life battle search family development at home, crisis and new beginning care in Need to Survive out of litter maintenance standards NÖ care regulation NÖ guidelines criminal Live display investigations ORF-issue muzzle-trial responsibility negates defence, contradictions, goals, help, search Emergency The right way Method 1: Wr JWG Nope ADG test request Method 5: SVA GW Responsibility Mothers of severely disabled children Photos Article list Archive 01.06.08 Comments to inclusion, participation, humanity, human dignity, human rights and human responsibilities “Bureaucracy is suffocating humanity.” “Inclusion only in the Whole.” “Inclusion is indivisible, there can be no Rest.” “A half-inclusion is a full sham.” “Inclusion is the soul of human rights.” “Inclusion is a need for solidarity.” “Inclusion is not a zero fare.” “Participation requires inclusion, this needs our gift.” “The fulfillment of human obligations, brought human rights to life.” “There is no inclusion, except for the living.” “Inclusion and exclusion are not able to.” “Inclusion does not hold.” “A half-inclusion is completely wrong.” “Less talk about inclusion life.” “There is only lived inclusion, not lectured.” “Inclusion can only begin to germinate, where the devaluation came to an end.” “Indivisible human dignity shared plus inclusion by All remains Zero Rest.” “Inclusion is a with each other is All.” — Gerhard Lichtenauer, Austrian citizens ' initiative “the Home home” 01.06.08 Comments and readers ' letters in other Blogs, Online media and websites 2014-04-03: instigation, aiding and conspiracy to the home Treaty-breaking the law 2014-03-05: Norway: Personal assistance without discrimination? 2014-02-11: feed-lethal Economy by Exit Option ERROR: Blog-in-Blog shortcodes can only be used in pages, not posts. 01.06.08 Points of view – thesis – visions eye-Opener for people would Implementation potential of the UN CRPD: equal rights, equal opportunities, accessibility, compensation, autonomy, inclusion and human rights are “For official manifestations of grace there is in the rule of law has no place.” more” — Gerhart Holzinger, President of the Austrian constitutional court (VfGH) “Discrimination is a crime against humanity and against the personal and human rights of the Individual.” — Silvia Schmidt, [... more] 01.06.08
24-hour care 24-hour care members assistance to segregation Befürsorgung disabled people need disabled help disabled people policy disability arbitrary authority support petitioner Federal BV-G of article 7 of the bureaucracy at Home, instead of home discrimination, Voluntary services, federalism, equality, fundamental rights, homes, inclusion, Katja livable countries on human rights of the people of lower Austria, Personal assistance, nursing care, would care, family care, securing the rule of law requires social assistance social system-participation in UN Twitter-CRPD UN Convention on the Constitution, Vienna Economism WP-Cumulus by Roy Tanck and Luke Morton requires Flash Player 9 or better. The keyword cloud (Tag Cloud): Desired term clicking, to get an Overview of contributions to this topic. 01.06.08 Operators Ing. Gerhard Lichtenauer mailing address parish settlement 30 A-3351 Weistrach AUSTRIA phone: +43 699 12490010 E-Mail gerhard@lichtenauer.at Disclaimer The information on our Website has been prepared with the utmost care. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely excluded. We assume no liability or legal responsibility for any remaining incorrect information and its consequences. Within our Internet presentation contains Links to editorial [... more] 01.06.08 Table of contents of all the pages, the articles, including. Postings in other Online media (sorted chronologically): Italy, incitement and conspiracy to the home Treaty-breaking the law-Norway: Personal assistance without discrimination?Feed-lethal Economy by Exit-select[D+1500] the main barriers to Inclusion and participation, rights of disabled and needy people[D+1350] responsibility for the organized System infirmity[D+1262] nursing in emergency or life – the reprehensible Coup!Mothers of severely disabled children protected: procedure 3: nope MSGNÖ ADG test request procedure 4: NÖ ADGPflege in Need[D+365] care law, state of emergency, FSW meets the legal care of a state of emergency (1)[D+307]: the dream of The optimal social service[D+300] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (8)[D+293] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (7)[D+290] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (6)[D+281] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (5)[D+280] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (4)[D+271] fundamental right to refusal of the countries without a sense of Embarrassment[D+270] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (3)[D+269] Solidarity and Unity for common objectives[D+266] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (2)[D+263] care crisis 2.0 – the regulated Chaos (1)emergency[D+260] All of Our responsibility to love in truth and in justice[D+257] care: Reorientation far failed! (Doctors week)[D+255] of life risk to the “home” – the organized look away[D+251] responsibility[D+241] lifestyle medicine needs to overcome repair medicine[D+235] Slow leakage of reason tweets[D+223] Hypocritical to Consort with the basic law, the loser of the Constitution[D+222] reason-lawlessness reigns in the country, palliative care study: euthanasia in the case Concerned not an issue[D+197] Constitution of the people would in the minds of a[D+183] EntHEIMlichung 3 – May NÖ basic rights disregard?[D+181] right to Personal assistance now to implement, disadvantage and exclusion, stop!“Support for the dying”, taken at their word?[D+150] fight for the people would recognize to show apply failed denied claim (3sat-Doku)images[D+140] responsibility, a sense of community Katja activate fits into no scheme[D+133] complaint answer to complaint answer to[D+120] responsibility for All the[D+111] responsibility negates negates responsibility[D+100] responsibility[D+95] [D+79] responsibility[D+77] responsibility[D+70] responsibility[D+65] responsibility see responsibility[D+64] Pluralistic ignorance[D+60] laws to correct protected excluded[D+56] EntHEIMlichung 2[D+51] human rights – legal action: no guidelines Live[D+50] EntHEIMlichung 1[D+44] muzzle attempt to muzzle attempt, [D+23] fundamental rights and freedoms to acknowledge, finally![D+15], ORF-ThemaORF-theme[D+11] human-rights-test-protected: VolksanwaltschaftNÖ care regulation, protected: help search[D+8] Diffuse front protected: protected: contradictions[D+6] basic law of diffraction to finally finish![D+6] to take responsibility![D+4] Sustainable freedom of information at risk[D+1] SN-article: allegations against nursing home[D-Day] Katja – protected my Life: to identify protected: procedure 5: SVA GWGeschützt: legal ways to fight the crisis and new beginning survive protected: criminal complaint Katja – my life search family protected: standard of Care protection: method 1: Wr JWGGeschützt: method 2: nope SHGEntwicklung home[D-1] case of damage child?Protected: RauswurfRett syndrome[D-15] federalism is a stumbling block rule of law development[D-25] Has to hide the provincial government of lower Austria?Care financing, part 1: paradigm shift from Economism to human value care financing, part 2: the program for new care backup care financing part 3: Just a base for just “nursing Care”care of the financing part 4: ignorance is the main problem of justice is needed!Nursing care reform, part 1: 15 years care money a “success story”?Nursing care reform part 2: misuse of maintenance money? There are actually!Nursing care reform part 3: the shadow sides of the care system nursing care reform part 4: responsibility and justice, and dare to live right strengths, a ban on active euthanasia strengthen self-representation as an expression of and way of inclusion, inclusive education and training system to implement the media as a catalyst on the way to a society culture of the quotation marks of the blind spot of self-advocacy for ALL disabled people!Provincial in the protection from indirect discrimination pair of the handicapped people system of exploitation of the cheap Boarding care pair will Lag people care – the success of the self-employed-model of care continued? (OPEN LETTER)request to the lower Austrian policy of “Housing for mentally and multiple disabled people” (OPEN LETTER)Franz Böck's welfare hypocrisy in the real died-existing social state, warning on Sunday of vibration talk at the end of economic discrimination protection in Austria unzureichendNÖ care model has “skeletons in the closet”for 15 years Bauskandal “care(money)”, and (k)an end in sight?Legal rights are ignored , social assistance, according to authorities, the arbitrariness of care for money of the entire year has been diverted from the patient!Policy is based on the wrong horse, paying lip service to the care home, to be clear, the Viennese care allowance is a supplementary benefit for a lot of unreasonable (Open letter from Pepo Meia)Official graces are a thing of the past!Katja – my life list page, comment posting, bureaucracy-choked humanity – AnkündigungStandpunkteThemenImpressuminhaltkontaktzitateartikellistearchiv 01.06.08 Contact details see imprint. Hereinafter referred to as the opportunity, via Web-Mail (anonym1) with Gerhard lichtenauer, editor of “Katja's Blog,” to get in touch: your Name(required) your Email(required) subject your message For an anonymous message under Name, enter at least one character, and Email, for example: a@b.c (so it needs only the Format of a mail address). [... more] 01.06.08 Selected quotes Go to page: 1 2 3 The chains of tortured humanity are made of office paper. — Franz Kafka Due to their unbelievable nature, the truth escapes are Recognized. — Heraclitus of Ephesus Nothing in the world can stop an idea whose time has come! — Victor Hugo Where would we be if everyone said, where would we be, and nobody was going to see where we would go if we went. — Kurt Marti If we are careful, are we still human? — Alexander Solzhenitsyn Anyone who has proclaimed violence as his method must make the lie of his principle. — Alexander Solzhenitsyn The world has enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed. — Mahatma Gandhi Freedom is a Good that grows by Use, not in use, then disappears. — Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker What do you know, you can correct it. What remains hidden, is a smouldering time bomb. — Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Who does not know the truth, is merely a fool. But who knows you, and calls it a lie is a criminal! — Bertolt Brecht Where wrong is right, resistance to his duty. — Bertolt Brecht There is nothing in the world to overcome, to a people so very qualified, external difficulties or internal complaints, as awareness of the need to have a purpose in life. — Viktor Frankl Good deeds, the other in their malice merely, be taken of this in the most honest Conviction than malice. — Leo Tolstoy Love other people means to see as God meant him to be. — Fyodor M. Dostoevsky We want to refuse to say what we think. — Alexander Solzhenitsyn Resist doubt and annoying thoughts to the praise of God is a proven remedy. Darkness can't be other than light to overcome. — Johann Albrecht Bengel First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win. — Mahatma Gandhi Violence is the weapon of the Weak; non-violence of the Strong. — Mahatma Gandhi You must be the change You wish to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi What one wins with violence, you can keep only with violence. — Mahatma Gandhi Paths are made by walking. — Franz Kafka Of all mischief, the happens, not only the guilt of committing it, but also those who do not prevent it. — Erich Kästner The truth wins, but you can only win, if you is said. — John Hus (1369-1415) You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what you can do for yourself. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Who keeps silent about the truth, is lying. — Henry Ford Nothing to risk, that is, his soul. — Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) No man can ride on your belt, if you do it crooked. — Martin Luther King (5.01.1929 – 04.04.1968) Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. — Martin Luther King (5.01.1929 – 04.04.1968) We know from painful experience that the granted oppressors never voluntarily freedom; they must be claimed by the oppressed. — Martin Luther King (5.01.1929 – 04.04.1968) It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a hundred times, than the truth that you have never heard of. — Robert Lynd Invisible to the madness is, if he has enough assumed large proportions. — Bertolt Brecht One only sees well with the heart. The Essential is invisible to the eye. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry In times when deception and lies are everywhere, is speaking the truth is a revolutionary act. — George Orwell You have to repeat the truth always, because even the error is being preached around us. And not of individuals but of the mass. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe All of the big political action is to Express what is, and is only the start. All political thought consists in the Concealment and Disguise of what is. — Ferdinand Lassalle (1825-1864), dt. Politicians The type of lighting one thing does not change its nature. — Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (1909-1966), Pol. Writer The truth is the people reasonable. — Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973), Austrian poet You can connect the truth to the mouth, but then she's still moaning noticeable. — Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975), English. Historian and cultural philosopher If the truth is too weak to defend itself, it must go on the attack. — Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), dt. Playwright & Poet Who knows the truth and you do not say, the remains of a despised, pathetic wretch. — August Binzer (1793-1868) There is nothing Good except you do it. — Erich Kästner (1899-1974). dt. Writer I believe that, in reality, unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the last word. This is the reason why, even if it has been temporarily defeated, is stronger than triumphant Evil. — Martin Luther King (5.01.1929 – 04.04.1968) One only sees well with the heart. What is Essential is invisible to the eye. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The little Prince Because in order to see clearly, it is sufficient to change the direction of view. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the city in The desert The real love begins where no is expected to Return more. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the city in The desert Go to page: 1 2 3 |