Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!

Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

Mütter schwerstbehinderter Kinder


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20.03.12 - Charlotte Lichtenauer - Druckansicht und drucken

Mothers of severely disabled children

Completion of the work "in-house nursing care for children and young people"
Charlotte mit Katja

My end-of-training in 2004 / 05, I would like to take this opportunity, from my own experience as a concerned mother, from the experiences of other mothers with affected children, and at the same time as a children nurse in home nursing on the strain, and life situation of mothers of special children. I hope to contribute to a better understanding in dealing with this group of patients positive and.

Charlotte Lichtenauer, DKKS for children and young people care
Weistrach, 20.03.2005
Online publication, seven years later, on 20.03.2012.

“Mothers of severely disabled children” Charlotte Lichtenauer, DKKS (20.03.2005) Download original (.pdf)
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“Mothers of severely disabled children” PowerPoint presentation (shortened) Download original (.ppt)

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Translated by Yandex.Translate and Global Translator

1 comment to the mothers of severely disabled children

  • Rosmarie Fischer

    Dear Charlotte,

    thank you for this honest portrayal of our Situation. I think me and my family in the Reports very often. And also, the States are homes in residential(care)to me by a supervised young woman well known. You just have no Chance to fight back against their machinations, because everything is immediately legalized by the home competent doctor. So it happened that I had over a year of absolutely no knowledge that the woman gets on the pill. I just hope that I stay for my own daughter for a long healthy and stress-resistant ......
    And once again, thank you for the effort You've done here.

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