Inclusion and participation for All! Darkness is the only light eliminated. Never give up!

Live aid and rehabilitation care for the severely disabled at home

Mütter schwerstbehinderter Kinder


All of the pages, see Page list


[D+1500] the main barriers to Inclusion and participation, rights of disabled and needy people

Squared perfidy: human rights treaties, ratify and implement the carryover with the law of title to justify.

What is the capital-disabilities, so the main obstacles to Inclusion, participation and self-determination rights, i.e., rights of the disabled and care of vulnerable people (and their families)?

The main causes of the Austrian implementation of denial and procrastination to the UN disability rights Convention, which have so far been barely addressed, if at all, never:

The reason is quite loose and would loose Federal Constitution and the unwritten eugenic-economic tables [... more]


[D+1350] responsibility for the organized System affliction

Commission of the offence due to systemic omission must be moved from the ‘Blind spot’ in the ‘focus’

“Public Hand” in handcuffs

The eagle is a common heraldic animal, in order to give the sovereignty and authority of the state of expression. The robbery can claw animal as a Symbol of the Executive authority of the state. The state's monopoly of violence is not justified by the law of the strong, but to the [... more]


[D+1262] care in the Emergency

Bureaucracy stifles humanity (update 2012)

Our severely multiple disabled adults, former foster daughter, Katja (less than 24 basal”, coma-like) came at the age of “22 years ago from a Vienna children's home in our family. Seven years ago, Katja, who was now 16 years old, was unable to cope with the economic burden. More and more of the care work required for both our use as foster parents, so that a work [... more]


Your money or your life – the reprehensible Coup!

"Geld oder Leben"

The rejection of the Social

"Your money or your life"- Coup

Accession to the EU (in early 1995) was a turning point in the Austrian social policy, the rejection of the Social set up and spread out, until today. The later onset of social cold snap (Cabinet: Vrnaitzky, climate, Schüssel, Gusenbauer, Faymann) is directly proportional with the stranglehold of the stability Pact to the Federation and the Länder. The pressure was 1:1 [... more]


[D+365] care law, state of emergency meets the legal care of a state of emergency (1)

An uncomfortable criminal proceedings, waiting for orders from above, whether it can come before an independent court. Beaches fact for the country sovereign care-Economization landed four months ago in the BMJ - instruction Department. Then the credibility crisis of the judiciary. What time is the click of handcuffs for the “Public Hand”? [... more]


[D+307] FSW: the dream of The optimal social service

The FSW praises be optimal Services, customer orientation and individualized support services. The alleged Motto “We are there, to be there for you” but it should be for the Affected experience! It is always amazing and fascinating to see how far this politically motivated Euphemisms generated illusions of the realm of reality can differ. Severely multi-handicapped people are regarded in Vienna as a Behinterte 2. and 3. Class. Wake up! [... more]


[D+300] care crisis 2.0 - the regulated Chaos (8)

The “legislative crisis in care“: federalism crisis and challenge of the rule of law. In The Right State Of Austria (?) would have to click for the “Public Hand” long ago, the “handcuffs”! System crash as effective shock therapy “work to rule” against the ruling “of eugenics-Economism”. The rule of law principle applies not for the country? Countries are not allowed to override Federal law, not out of “base motives” [... more]


[D+293] care crisis 2.0 - the regulated Chaos (7)

GuKG-Novelle 2009: Systemic ills are not solved by sacrificing the care qualifications. Solution: move away from a system of Injustice, the enhancement of the skills and courage against flowery talk! The Austrian system of Injustice: segregation in need of Care and exploitation, to Care for and to fix, instead of defects to be punished, the Care show! But as long as all keep the mouth well-behaved to join in, just muddling on. [... more]


[D+290] care crisis 2.0 - the regulated Chaos (6)

GuKG - Novelle 2009: fair degree of Reform or practice, legally compliant implementation Required? Plausible demands for more practicality compromise the care, safety! Conclusion with care-“grey zone“? It is a shame that here on the backs of the Poorest is saved! Who must bear the consequences of this sloppiness? Experience with pretentious care competence in “approved” facilities. Country Supervisory authorities are jointly responsible, criminal investigations are Run. Need for coverage of “Personal Budget” for all disabled people would be the solution! [... more]


[D+281] care crisis 2.0 - the regulated Chaos (5)

Care power extension kick: Stripped-down GuKG-Novella irritates the disabled care sector. Growing practice of precarious care, performance and cost of carrier services for the disabled, in front of consequences. When are the instigator to what is probably the matted most systemic abuse of power of the second Republic to the (political) responsibility (a historical novelty)? [... more]


Automatic Translation is far from perfect, but it helps to understand the content. Original: English
